Friday, May 23, 2008


Remember when Fridays in elementary school used to be called this? I loved it... game time at recess, snack shack, cheerleaders wore our uniforms to school, such school spirit. Well, it is a lovely Friday morning and I just woke up at 9:15 am. A perfect amount of sleeping in without feeling like the day is wasted. As I sit on the couch, I am so excited because my husband and I both have the day off, so it is full of possibility. What shall we do today, we have all day to play together!? So much potential, the sun in shining, its beautiful outside!!! Hopefully this day will be as great as I am making it in my head!!! I can't wait!!!! Hope you have a happy Friday as well.

Here are some pictures of what our fun could include....
my man and i riding our tandem bike.....
fun times are always had with this dear friend, amy, who we miss so much! alas, she is in pasadena for now so we will just have to remember those good times...
this is the typical cast of characters for fun weekends.... we always have a good time
we always have a good time with my brother eric!
or maybe it will just be us, but we always have fun!


Jess said...

Of course I remember both of you! I actually saw your blog before but was afraid to write you anything because I didn't know if you remembered me. :) Hope you guys have a fun friday!

Jacinda said...

So what did you do?